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Smart Irrigation

A Home Assistant integration to optimize irrigation


Main page: Usage
Previous: Automations

In order to troubleshoot this integration or get help, it's important to check two sources:

Reading the diagnostic / storage file

The diagnostic / storage file is in a JSON format and lists your configuration settings, your zones, sensor groups and modules. It also lists the weather data collected. The weather data is stored in the metric system, so might not match up with what you see in the UI. Here's a list of units:

The reason we're using these units is consistency but also because the most-used module (PyETO) requires the data to be provided in these units (at least, that's what the limited documentation and code seem to imply). For those interested, here's the function that does this most of the conversion in code (with the exception of the absolute to relative conversion for pressure):

Main page: Usage
Previous: Automations