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Smart Irrigation

A Home Assistant integration to optimize irrigation


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Since this integration does not interface with your irrigation system directly, you will need to use the data it outputs to create an automation that will start and stop your irrigation system for you. This way you can use this custom integration with any irrigation system you might have, regardless of how that interfaces with Home Assistant. In order for this to work correctly, you should base your automation on the value of sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] as long as you run your automation after it was updated (e.g. 11:00 PM/23:00 hours local time). If that value is above 0 it is time to irrigate. Note that the value is the run time in seconds. Also, after irrigation, you need to call the smart_irrigation.reset_bucket service to reset the net irrigation tracking (bucket) to 0.

The last step in any automation is very important, since you will need to let the integration know you have finished irrigating and the evaporation counter can be reset by calling the smart_irrigation.reset_bucket service

Experts say you should water deeply but infrequently to avoid overwatering and encourage deep rooting. It might be a good idea to create an automation that starts early enough to finish before sunrise (using the smart_irrigation_start_irrigation_all_zones event) and only once per week if duration is 0 or whenever the bucket < -25 mm. Adjust to your specific needs.

The examples on this page don't use a timer - see this discussion for an example of using a timer for extra safety.

Also, check out the blueprints we provide.

Example 1: one valve, once per week irrigation if duration < 0 or if the bucket < - 25 mm:

This example automation runs daily and checks sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]. It checks if the buckets is < -25mm (~1") or if's a monday and duration is above 0. This follows the expert recommendation mentioned above.

description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]
    attribute: bucket
    below: -25
  - platform: time
    at: "05:00:00"
  - condition: or
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]
        below: "-25"
        attribute: bucket
      - condition: and
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]
            above: 0
          - condition: template
            value_template: ""
  - service: switch.turn_on
      data: {}
      entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
  - delay:
    seconds: ''
  - service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
  - service: smart_irrigation.reset_bucket
    data: {}
    entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]

Example 2: one valve, potentially daily irrigation

Here is an example automation that runs when the smart_irrigation_start_irrigation_all_zones event is fired. It checks if sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] is above 0 and if it is it turns on switch.irrigation_tap1, waits the number of seconds as indicated by sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] and then turns off switch.irrigation_tap1. Finally, it resets the bucket by calling the smart_irrigation.reset_bucket service. If you have multiple instances you will need to adjust the event, entities and service names accordingly.

- alias: Smart Irrigation
  description: 'Start Smart Irrigation based on event and run it only if the `sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]` is >0 and run it for precisely that many seconds'
  - platform: event
    event_type: smart_irrigation_start_irrigation_all_zones
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]
    above: 0
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
  - delay:
      seconds: ''
  - service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
  - service: smart_irrigation.reset_bucket
    data: {}
    entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]

Example 3: one valve, irrigation depending on work day sensor

Here is an example automation that runs at 5 AM local time, but only on set days of the week indicated by binary_sensor.workday_sensor). As above, it checks if sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] is above 0 and if it is it turns on switch.irrigation_tap1, waits the number of seconds as indicated by sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] and then turns off switch.irrigation_tap1. Finally, it resets the bucket by calling the smart_irrigation.reset_bucket service. This automation depends on the workday binary sensor which you will have to set up separately. Alternatively you could use a condition such as:

  condition: time
  - mon
  - thu
- alias: Smart Irrigation
  description: 'Start Smart Irrigation at 05:00 when the workday sensor is on and run it only if the adjusted_run_time is >0 and run it for precisely that many seconds'
  - at: 05:00
    platform: time
    condition: and
    - condition: state
      entity_id: 'binary_sensor.workday_sensor'
      state: 'on'
    - above: '0'
      condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
    service: switch.turn_on
  - delay:
      seconds: ''
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
    service: switch.turn_off
  - data: {}
    service: smart_irrigation.reset_bucket
      entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]

Example 4: two valves, irrigation depending on work day sensor

Here is an example automation that runs at 4 AM local time, but only on set days of the week indicated by binary_sensor.workday_sensor). As above, it checks if sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] is above 0 and if it is it turns on switch.irrigation_tap1, waits the number of seconds as indicated by sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] and then turns off switch.irrigation_tap1. Then it turns on switch.irrigation_tap2, waits the number of seconds as indicated by sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name] and then turns off switch.irrigation_tap2. Finally, it resets the bucket by calling the smart_irrigation.reset_bucket service. This automation depends on the workday binary sensor which you will have to set up separately. Alternatively you could use a condition such as:

  condition: time
  - mon
  - thu
- alias: Smart Irrigation
  description: 'Start Smart Irrigation at 04:00 when the workday sensor is on and run it only if the adjusted_run_time is >0 and run it for precisely that many seconds'
  - at: 04:00
    platform: time
    condition: and
    - condition: state
      entity_id: 'binary_sensor.workday_sensor'
      state: 'on'
    - above: '0'
      condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
    service: switch.turn_on
  - delay:
      seconds: ''
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap1
    service: switch.turn_off
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap2
    service: switch.turn_on
  - delay:
      seconds: ''
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.irrigation_tap2
    service: switch.turn_off
  - data: {}
    service: smart_irrigation.reset_bucket
      entity_id: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]

Example 5: Advanced multi-tap example

This example handles multiple taps for a six-zone system controlled by ESPHome. This is the automation the creator of this integration uses themselves (ignoring the expert advice above...).

alias: Smart Irrigation
  - platform: event
    event_type: smart_irrigation_start_irrigation_all_zones
  - platform: sun
    event: sunrise
    offset: "01:00:00"
    enabled: true
  - platform: time
    at: "00:00:00"
    id: midnight
    enabled: true
  - platform: time
    at: "18:00:00"
    enabled: false
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_enabled
    state: "on"
  - if:
      - condition: trigger
          - midnight
      - service: input_boolean.turn_off
        data: {}
          entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_automation_ran_today
      - if:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_automation_ran_today
            state: "off"
          - if:
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
              - service: input_number.increment
                data: {}
                  entity_id: input_number.number_of_days_since_last_irrigation
              - service: input_number.set_value
                  entity_id: input_number.smart_irrigation_number_of_zones_enabled
                  value: 0
              - repeat:
                    - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn_main_deck
                      vid: 0
                      zid: 1
                    - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn_tree
                      vid: 1
                      zid: 2
                    - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn_office
                      vid: 2
                      zid: 3
                    - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_herbs
                      vid: 3
                      zid: 4
                    - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_greenhouse
                      vid: 4
                      zid: 5
                    - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_side_house
                      vid: 5
                      zid: 6
                    - if:
                        - condition: template
                          value_template: >-
                        - service: switch.turn_off
                            entity_id: >-
                          data: {}
                        - service: switch.turn_on
                            entity_id: >-
                          data: {}
                        - service: input_number.increment
                            entity_id: >-
                          data: {}
                        - service: esphome.sprinklercontroller_set_valve_run_duration
                            duration: ""
                            valve: ""
              - if:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: >-
                  - alias: >-
                      Run zone 0 for a couple seconds to build up pressure
                      before starting full cycle
                    service: esphome.sprinklercontroller_start_single_valve
                    metadata: {}
                      valve: 0
                      duration: 30
                    enabled: true
                  - delay:
                      hours: 0
                      minutes: 1
                      seconds: 0
                      milliseconds: 0
                    enabled: true
                  - service: switch.turn_on
                    metadata: {}
                    data: {}
                      entity_id: switch.sprinklercontroller_sprinklers_auto_advance
                    enabled: true
                  - service: esphome.sprinklercontroller_start_full_cycle
                    data: {}
                    enabled: true
                  - service: notify.mobile_app_xyz
                      message: Irrigation started!
                      title: Smart Irrigation
                  - repeat:
                        - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn_main_deck
                          vid: 0
                          zid: 1
                        - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn_tree
                          vid: 1
                          zid: 2
                        - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn_office
                          vid: 2
                          zid: 3
                        - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_herbs
                          vid: 3
                          zid: 4
                        - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_greenhouse
                          vid: 4
                          zid: 5
                        - sensor: sensor.smart_irrigation_side_house
                          vid: 5
                          zid: 6
                        - if:
                            - condition: template
                              value_template: >-
                            - service: smart_irrigation.reset_bucket
                                entity_id: ""
                              data: {}
                  - service: smart_irrigation.reset_all_buckets
                    data: {}
                    enabled: false
                  - service: input_number.set_value
                      value: 0
                      entity_id: input_number.number_of_days_since_last_irrigation
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
            data: {}
              entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_automation_ran_today
mode: single

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