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Smart Irrigation

A Home Assistant integration to optimize irrigation


Main page: Usage
Next: Services

Each zone you configure will be added as a sensor entity to Home Assistant. The sensor will be named as follows: sensor.smart_irrigation_[zone_name]. So if you have a zone called 'lawn' then the sensor would be named sensor.smart_irrigation_lawn.

Each entity will have the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id internal identification
size the total area the irrigation system reaches in m2 or sq ft.
throughput total amount of water that flows through the irrigation system in liters or gallon per minute.
state disabled, manual, automatic
bucket the bucket size in mm or inch
unit_of_measurement seconds
device_class duration
icon default: mdi:sprinkler
friendly_name Name of your zone.

Sample screenshot:

If you want to expose these attributes as separate sensors, you can add template sensors using a template like the following example for bucket:


Main page: Usage
Next: Services