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Smart Irrigation

A Home Assistant integration to optimize irrigation

Zone configuration

Main page: Configuration
Previous: General configuration
Next: Module configuration

Specify one or more irrigation zones here. The integration calculates irrigation duration per zone, depending on size, throughput, state, module and sensor group. A zone can be:

When entering any values in the configuration of this integration, take notice of the labels provided so you enter values in the correct units.

Multi-zone support

For irrigation systems that have multiple zones which you want to run in series or independent you need to create multiple zones. The configuration should be done for each zone, including the area the zone covers and the corresponding settings.

Adding a zone

You need to specify the following to add a zone:

After entering the information, click Add zone to add the zone. Each zone is shown as an entity in Home Assistant. After adding a zone, make sure to further configure your new zone.

Actions on all automatic Zones

You can perform the following actions on all automatic zones:

Configuring a zone

You can change the following settings on a zone:

Available actions per zone

Below each zone there are some buttons, to perform the following tasks (from left to right):

Main page: Configuration
Previous: General configuration
Next: Module configuration